


印度孟買2020年3月5日 /美通社/ --「亞洲50最佳餐廳」宣佈印度孟買的Masque為2020年度「Miele最值得關注獎」得主。此獎項由「亞洲50最佳餐廳」主辦單位聯同亞洲各地的餐飲業專家評審投票選出,頒予「亞洲50最佳餐廳」名單以外的餐廳,以肯定該餐廳為亞洲餐飲界明日之星的潛力。 Masque in Mumbai, India, is the 2020 winner of the prestigious Miele One To Watch Award. Selected by the organisers of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants in collaboration with its regional experts, the Miele One To Watch title is presented to a restaurant that is outside the Asia’s 50 Best list, but is…

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