Ascensia Diabetes Care 展示護士為糖尿病患者提供的重要支援,以慶祝 2020 年世界糖尿病日

瑞士巴塞爾2020年11月16日 /美通社/ — 領先全球的糖尿病護理公司及 CONTOUR® 系列血糖監測系統製造商 Ascensia Diabetes Care 明天將舉辦活動表彰護士在協助糖尿病患者管理其病情的重要角色,以慶祝 2020 年世界糖尿病日。此活動旨在支持由國際糖尿病聯合會 (IDF) 訂立的官方主題「Nurses Make the Difference(護士的關鍵作用)

It’s World Diabetes Day 2020 and this year’s official theme is Nurses Make The Difference. At Ascensia, we wanted to bring you inspiring stories about nurses from the voices of people living with diabetes. Listen to them share how nurses have helped to make living with diabetes easier and say thank you for the support and encouragement they have given.

It’s World Diabetes Day 2020 and this year’s official theme is Nurses Make The Difference. At Ascensia, we wanted to bring you inspiring stories about nurses from the voices of people living with diabetes. Listen to them share how nurses have helped to make living with diabetes easier and say thank you for the support and encouragement they have given.

Ascensia 今年活動的重點是感謝護士為協助糖尿病患者應對日常生活所付出的巨大努力。全球共有 28 位糖尿病患者寫信給其護士,表達心中的感激之情。這些信件透過感人的影片呈現,著重講述護士在他們整個糖尿病歷程中,如何在心理和生理上指引、啟導和支援他們。


Ascensia Diabetes Care 總裁 Rob Schumm 解釋說:「根據 IDF 的數據,全球約 9% 的成年人患有糖尿病,其中許多人主要靠自己管理病情。護士通常是糖尿病患者首先接觸的人,有時甚至是唯一的專業醫護人員。這凸顯出他們發揮的重要作用,以及他們對糖尿病患者可能產生的積極影響。


事實上,這項活動的想法來自一名員工,他分享說希望能感謝一位護士,他在 13 歲確診患上一型糖尿病後這位護士便立即為他提供支援。他動情地講述了早期的艱辛,以及感謝護士的堅持,讓他在確診後第二天能參加重要的足球比賽。在確診多年後,他的護士仍在其糖尿病旅途上為他和他的家人提供支援。整個過程中他都面帶微笑。我們被他的故事所感動,也意識到必定有更多的動人故事可以分享。」 

為了協助我們及所有糖尿病患者向世界各地共同協助和支援糖尿病患者的護士表示感謝,同時表達對世界糖尿病日的支持,請瀏覽 Ascensia Diabetes Care 的 FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn 和 YouTube 社交媒體頻道,分享或回應我們在本次活動中發佈的鼓舞人心故事,或為它們按讚。全部 25 齣影片載於 Ascensia 的網站由 2020 年 11 月 13 日晚上 10:00(歐洲中部時間)開始可供觀看)。

Phyllisa, from the USA, has type 1 diabetes. Phyllisa is saying thank you to her nurse, Pat, for empowering her to take charge of managing her diabetes by teaching her the valuable skills she needed to know.

Phyllisa, from the USA, has type 1 diabetes. Phyllisa is saying thank you to her nurse, Pat, for empowering her to take charge of managing her diabetes by teaching her the valuable skills she needed to know.


Bob, from the United Kingdom, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago. He is saying thank you to his nurses for always being there when he needed them and for offering support when he struggled.

Bob, from the United Kingdom, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago. He is saying thank you to his nurses for always being there when he needed them and for offering support when he struggled.


Jenna, from Australia, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 19 years old. She would like to say thank you to her nurse, Jenny, for helping her when she was first diagnosed and for the continued advice and support she provides.

Jenna, from Australia, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 19 years old. She would like to say thank you to her nurse, Jenny, for helping her when she was first diagnosed and for the continued advice and support she provides.


Angela is from Singapore and has type 1 diabetes. She is saying thank you to her nurse for understanding the struggles and challenges that she faced when she was diagnosed and helping her to find ways to cope.

Angela is from Singapore and has type 1 diabetes. She is saying thank you to her nurse for understanding the struggles and challenges that she faced when she was diagnosed and helping her to find ways to cope.



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